Latest Audio
Charlotte Friedman talking on Woman’s Hour about how to prepare children for divorce and separation.
Charlotte Friedman talking on Woman’s Hour about Parental Alienation.
About Charlotte
I was a Family Law Barrister, Mediator and Deputy district judge before I retrained as a Psychotherapist and set up DSG. As a lawyer I dealt with thousands of costly, frustrating and anxiety provoking divorces. Now as a Psychotherapist I help men and women manage the emotional impact of their separation.
I left the Bar in 2007 to set up DSG and have run many support groups. In 2018, Short Books published Breaking Upwards, How to manage the emotional impact of separation which I wrote based on all the groups I have run.
Couple Sessions
If you and your partner are in crisis or in difficulties, I can offer you both a joint session and we can explore how to help you improve things between you or how to separate as comfortably as possible.
My Blog
Divorce in the time of Covid
My guest blog today is from Sarah Havers at Stewarts Law. www.stewartslaw/people/sarah-havers Love in the time of COVID: Divorce enquiries surge as couples return to pre-lockdown life. Law firm Stewarts witness record numbers of divorce enquiries as restrictions lift...
Individual Consultations on Zoom or Skype
If you would prefer an individual session with me, please get in touch.