We have had a very long and cold winter. All most of us hope for are some rays of sun and some warmth. Seeing spring flowers, trees in bud and a hint of sunshine is usually enough to renew hope and faith in life and lift the spirits. However, that isn’t always so especially when divorce and separation has been part of the story. Even the most joyful external events do little to dent a mood of anxiety, grief and stress. It may feel that life and spring is happening without us and despite us. Perhaps though, this is the time to do something about the feelings that divorce and separation engender in us. Perhaps, spring is the time to stop hiding away from others, our life or even ourselves. Whatever part of the spectrum of separation you are on, there is always an opportunity to move forward and begin to let go of something which by definition belongs to the past. By not letting go, we are desperately holding on to what we had. If we do that – hold onto our story of divorce, however much upset it causes, it somehow feels better than thinking about the future and redefining life. Letting go, would mean facing a very painful loss – but it would also mean a spring clean, out of which could come a new you. With help, spring can take you with it, perhaps tentatively at first, perhaps even without much enthusiasm on your part, but one small step at a time towards recovery will create a distance between you and your history and make it part of who you are, part of your experience, but one that doesn’t dominate your life. One small step will bring you nearer to your future than your past and will enable you to inhabit your present, without your divorce crowding in on your every thought and move. www.divorcesupportgroup.co.uk/workshop